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We are business partners of banks, financial intermediaries and insurance companies

Recognized professionals, specialized in the field regulatory

We help our clients effectively manage their legal and operational risks.

Our success is based on an integrated approach that combines legal experience, economic sensitivity, knowledge of the operating mechanisms of financial intermediaries - with a perfect mastery of the regulatory aspects.

Our Clients are leading Italian and foreign intermediaries who operate in Italy with or without a branch.

Our main skills concern: the regulation of banking, insurance and investment services, anti-money laundering issues, regulation of listed companies, collective investment schemes, MIFID, Market Abuse, FinTech and Private Equity.

The firm systematically collaborates with the main trade associations of the financial sector (Assosim, AIFI, AIBE) for regulatory support and for institutional public affairs activities.

The Firm also has particular experience in the field of authorization procedures vis-à-vis the supervisory authorities of the sector.

Sophisticated. Competent.

Available. Reliable.

Flexible. Quick.

With one goal:

support your business.

Solid experience, interdisciplinary skills and an advanced approach to problem solving.

Recognized experts (also) in the field of anti-money laundering - for over 15 years.

Dozens of articles and interviews, countless conferences and hundreds of mandates make us an absolute point of reference (and not only) in the AML field.


Thanks to our innovative and technologically advanced approach, we have also developed an AUI TOOL software application, used by over 60 national and international intermediaries, which allows you to carry out 180+ real-time checks on the registration of transactions and to identify possible anomalies.

We strive every day to exceed our customers' expectations.

For this we have an overall customer loyalty of 100%.

Our recognized added value lies in the ability to combine specialized legal aspects, market regulation and knowledge of even very sophisticated financial products.

The Firm also has particular experience in the field of authorization procedures vis-à-vis the supervisory authorities of the sector.

The Sttudio also has a recognized judicial experience edextrajudicial defense in thescope of "market abuse" proceedings.

Legal 500 Atrigna & Partners


'High competence and knowledge of the banking and financial sector.'

Track Records


Years of specialist experience

on regulatory issues

(banking, financial, insurance)


Assignments with intermediaries

“in crisis” by name
of Supervisory Authority


Publications in

latest 5 years



in the last 5 years





Managed inspections

(Consob and Bank of Italy)

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