Roberta Scotti
Senior Associate
Roberta graduated in law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, she has been collaborating with the Atrigna & Partners law firm since January 2008, after gaining experience in law firms specialized in civil law and having held a position as head of the ASSOSIM legal area.
Roberta mainly deals with the drafting and revision of contracts, in particular contracts subject to banking transparency regulations, as well as those relating to the provision of investment services; she is also involved in drafting and/or negotiating service or commercial agreements.
Another area of Roberta's expertise concerns consultancy and opinions in the field of banking law - with in-depth analysis of issues relating to payment services, consumer credit, real estate credit to consumers, real and personal guarantees - and financial market law.
She has also gained specific skills in the field of data protection and administrative liability of companies pursuant to decree 231/2001 with specific regard to the activities of Italian and foreign supervised entities such as banks, financial and insurance companies, payment institutions, investment firms and asset management companies.
She participates as a speaker at conferences related to her specialization.
She is a member of the Piacenza Bar Association.