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Ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679

Lo studio legale Atrigna & Partners, Foro Buonaparte 12, 20121 Milano (lo “Studio”), in qualità di titolare del trattamento (di seguito il “Titolare”), ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’articolo 24 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (di seguito il “Regolamento”) raccoglie e tratta i dati personali forniti direttamente o indirettamente, anche per il tramite dei propri collaboratori, dai propri clienti e contatti nel rispetto delle disposizioni previste dal Regolamento.

1. Dati personali trattati dallo studio

Lo Studio raccoglie e tratta le seguenti categorie di dati personali:

  1. dati di contatto del cliente o dati persona dei dipendenti del cliente nel caso di persona giuridica;

  2. dati di identificazione del cliente, necessari all’assolvimento degli obblighi di legge (ad esempio, quelli previsti in materia di antiriciclaggio);

  3. dati forniti dal cliente per l’esecuzione dell’incarico professionale conferito.

Il trattamento dei dati viene effettuato dal Titolare e dai soggetti specificamente incaricati ed istruiti a tal fine dallo stesso Titolare mediante strumenti manuali, informatici o telematici, con logiche strettamente correlate e pertinenti alle finalità dell’incarico e comunque con modalità idonee a garantire la riservatezza e sicurezza dei dati raccolti.

2. Finalità del trattamento

Lo Studio tratta i dati personali dei clienti per le seguenti finalità:

  1. dare esecuzione agli incarichi professionali ricevuti, sia giudiziali che stragiudiziali;

  2. per finalità amministrativo-contabili o per l’assolvimento degli obblighi di legge;

  3. per l’esercizio di propri diritti, anche nell’ambito di procedure di recupero crediti;

  4. per l’invio di newsletter o altro materiale informativo su principali novità normative o giurisprudenziali.

3. Basi giuridiche del trattamento

Il trattamento da parte dello Studio dei dati personali dei clienti è necessario per:

  1. svolgere gli incarichi professionali ricevuti;

  2. adeguarsi alla disposizione della normativa applicabile.

Qualora il cliente non fornisse i dati personali necessari, lo Studio non potrà dare esecuzione all’incarico ricevuto.

Il trattamento dei dati personali dei clienti per le finalità di cui al precedente paragrafo 2. viene effettuato dal Titolare ai sensi dell’articolo 6, lettere f), del Regolamento per il perseguimento dei propri interessi legittimi, nei limiti necessari a consentire allo Studio la prestazione delle proprie attività professionali.

4. Destinatari dei dati personali.

In relazione alle finalità del trattamento sopra indicate, e nei limiti strettamente pertinenti alle medesime, i dati personali dei clienti potranno essere comunicati alle seguenti categorie di soggetti:

  1. alle controparti e ai loro difensori e consulenti nell’ambio dell’esecuzione degli incarichi;

  2. ai dipendenti dello Studio, ai consulenti o a soggetti esterni di cui lo Studio si avvale per lo svolgimento degli incarichi ricevuti;

  3. a Pubbliche Autorità per adempiere ad obblighi di legge (come ad esempio gli obblighi di segnalazione, previsti dalla normativa “antiriciclaggio”, alle competenti Autorità); nonchè,

  4. ad enti ed organismi di rilevanza nazionale ed internazionale per la compilazione di classifiche e statistiche economiche (ad esempio: AIFI, Mergermarket, Chambers and Partners, ecc.), ovvero a potenziali clienti al fine di indicare – come da consolidata prassi internazionale – il track record dello Studio su determinati tipi di operazioni.

Qualora ciò sia necessario per lo svolgimento degli incarichi, i dati personali potranno essere trasferiti verso paesi appartenenti all’Unione Europea e verso paesi non appartenenti all’Unione Europea con i quali ultimi sussiste una decisione di adeguatezza adottata dalla Commissione UE.

5. Durata del trattamento

I dati verranno trattati per tutta la durata dell’incarico e, successivamente alla conclusione dello stesso, per un periodo di tempo non superiore a quello necessario all’espletamento degli adempimenti di legge.

6. Titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati

Il Titolare è lo studio legale Atrigna & Partners, Foro Buonaparte 12, 20121 Milano; per qualunque esigenza i clienti possono rivolgersi al responsabile della protezione dei dati nominato dallo Studio, inviando una comunicazione scritta al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica:

7. Diritti dell’interessato.

Ai sensi del Regolamento, ove ne sussistano le condizioni, il cliente può esercitare i seguenti diritti:

  • (i)       l’accesso ai propri dati personali;

  • (ii)     la copia dei dati personali forniti (c.d. portabilità);

  • (iii)    la rettifica dei dati in possesso dello Studio;

  • (iv)   la limitazione delle modalità di trattamento dei propri dati o l’opposizione al trattamento;

  • (v)     la cancellazione di qualsiasi dato per il quale non sussista più alcun presupposto giuridico per il trattamento da parte dello Studio;

  • (vi)   la possibilità di revocare il consenso, nel caso in cui il trattamento dei dati sia fondato sul consenso, fermo restando che la revoca dello stesso determinerà l’impossibilità dello Studio di proseguire nello svolgimento dell’Incarico;

  • (vii)  la possibilità di proporre reclamo all’Autorità Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali.

8. Disclaimer

L’app ed il sito web dello Studio contengono informazioni e documenti generali dello Studio stesso, pubblicati a solo scopo informativo. Tutte le informazioni, il materiale, le immagini e i documenti (newsletters, pubblicazioni di provvedimenti, articoli, ecc.) presenti sull’app e sul sito web dello Studio sono di proprietà esclusiva dello Studio e ne è vietato l’uso senza l’espresso consenso di quest’ultimo. Lo Studio tramite la documentazione messa a disposizione sul proprio sito web e sulla propria app non intende fornire e né presta in alcun modo attività di consulenza, di assistenza legale o di altra natura. Di conseguenza, l’uso improprio del materiale messo a disposizione dallo Studio sulla propria app e sul proprio sito web non comporta in alcun modo nessuna responsabilità dello Studio. Lo Studio quindi non si assume alcuna responsabilità per eventuali costi, spese, oneri economici, danni, sanzioni, richieste o pretese - a qualsiasi titolo – di pagamento di somme o importi, conseguenti all’uso improprio del materiale pubblicato sul proprio sito web e sulla propria app.

Privacy Policy under GDPR regulation (for Europe and companies doing business towards European area users) for the app “INSIGHTS”

This privacy policy describes how we collects, uses and discloses your personal information and data when you use our services through our websites and/or application.

What kind of data is collected?

We collect the following set of data and information:

  • Personal identification information: name (mandatory), email address (mandatory) and geolocation (optional).

  • Insights (our app) is developed using the GoodBarber (GB) engine and features. All GB apps provide final users the possibility to send some videos via a form, submit section for instance. Insights (our app) do not use this feature, but it is implemented in all Android GB apps in any case.

How is the data collected?

We collect data and process personal data and information when:

  • You register online

  • Use our website or application when cookies are set on your device

We might also receive data and information indirectly from the following sources:

How will we use your data?

We collect your data so that we can:

  • Manage your account

  • Send you notification about the content of our app

If you agree we will share your data with partner companies, but they can’t send you any kind of offers:

  • Atrigna & Partners, Studio Legale Associato

How is the data stored?

Our company securely stores your data in France (Europe).

We will keep your account (name and email address) until you will delete your profile from the app. In this case, we will delete your data by the platform of GoodBarber.

If you want to delete your account or your data please send an e-mail to:

  • Device model (anonymous)

  • OS version (anonymous)

  • Device’s language (anonymous)

  • Geolocalisation if provided

  • Country (deducted from geolocalisation)

  • City (deducted from geolocalisation)


We would like to send you information about products and services of ours that we think you might like as well as those of our partner companies:

  • Atrigna & Partners – Studio Legale Associato

If you have agreed to receive marketing emails or communication you may always opt out at a later date.

You have the right at any time to stop our company from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving data to other partners working with our company.

If you no longer want to be contacted for marketing purposes you can contact us at:

Data protection rights

We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all your data protection rights. Every user has, if applicable, the right to:

  • The right to access: you have the right to request our company for copies of your personal data.

  • The right to rectification: you have the right to request that our company corrects any information you believe is inaccurate or mistaken. You also have the right to request our company to complete information you believe is incomplete.

  • The right to erasure: you have the right to request that our company erase your personal data under certain conditions.

  • The right to restrict processing: you have the right to request that our company restricts the processing of your personal data under certain conditions.

  • The right to object to processing: you have the right to object to our company’s processing of personal data under certain conditions.

  • The right to data portability: you have the right to request that our company transfers the data we have collected to another organization or directly to you under certain conditions.

If you have any request regarding this matter we have a month to answer you. If you want to exercise any of these rights please contact us by using the following contact detail:

Privacy policies of other websites or third-party

Our company’s website might contain links to other websites, our privacy policy applies only to our website and/or application and services so if you click on another website you must read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy

Our company keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page, this privacy policy was last updated on 10/07/2023.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or demand about our privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercice one of your data protection rights, please contact us at:

Send us an email at:

Contacting the appropriate authority

If you have any complaint or concern regarding how your data is managed you can contact the appropriate authority at:

Garante per la protezione dei dati personali – piazza venezia 11, 00187 Roma.



PRIVACY POLICY under other regulations than GDPR

We are committed to protecting individual privacy and securing the personal information made available to us when you visit. This privacy policy describes what information is made available to our company and how that information is used and retained and provides information on:

  • Information we receive (when you provide it, visit our website, receive email)

  • How this information is used

  • Sharing of this information

  • Data retention

  • Third-party tools and sites

  • Children and privacy security

If you have any question or suggestion for its improvement, please let us know at


Information you give us

You do not have to provide our company with any personal information or create a user account to access information on our website and/or application. However for some services (newsletter, legal warning, pubblicazioni) we may need personal information and you have to create an user account from you. In this case we can collect the following information:

  • Personal identification information name (mandatory), email address (mandatory) and geolocation (optional).

Also when you visit our website the following information is automatically received and stored by servers:

  • IP address

Third-party websites

Our company’s website and/or application might contain links to other websites, our privacy policy applies only to our website so if you click on another website you must read their privacy policy.

How information is used

If you choose to provide us with information we may use that information to contact you, respond to your message or provide information or services you requested.

We use data you provide and automatically generated data for statistical analysis to assess what information is of interest to users and system performance. This allows us to make general improvements to our site. We may also use your information in order to detect, prevent and respond to security issues and harmful activities on our website and/or application.

Sharing of this information

Information you choose to share with our company may be treated as public information.

Our company uses a third-party analytics provider (such as Google Analytics) to analyze data from cookies. The third-party analytics provider does not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies. We have also limited the provider’s ability to see your full IP address.

Within our company we restrict access to personally identifiable information to employees, contractors and vendors subject to non-disclosure requirements who require access to this information in order to perform their official duties and exercise controls to limit what data they can view based on the specific needs of their position.

We do not use or share your information for commercial purposes and except as described above, we do not exchange or otherwise disclose this information.

Link to external websites and third-party

Our website may link to other websites created and maintained by other private and/or public organizations and individuals. When you follow a link to an external site you are leaving our website and are subject to external site’s privacy and security policies. Our company does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on an external site.


We takes reasonable precautions to protect our site and information. For example we restrict access to personally identifiable information to employees, contractors and vendors subject to non-disclosure requirements.

We also uses commonly used practices and technical controls to protect the information in our possession or control. These practices and controls include, but are not limited to, encrypting the transfer of personal information over the internet, using firewalls and intrusion detection systems and maintaining strict technical controls and procédures to ensure data integrity.

We periodically review our processes and systems to verify compliance with industry best practices and to ensure the highest level of security for our website.

Updates do this privacy policy

We will revise or update this policy from time to time, if we make significant changes to how we handle personal information we will post changes to the policy on our site and change the date at the end.

Updated on: 10/07/2023


Cookie Policy and other similar tracking technologies (GDPR and non GDPR)

When you visit Insights we may send cookies or other similar tracking technologies to your computer or to any other device you use. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track user’s preferences and to know how he uses our services.

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

For further information visit

Cookies are used for user identification and proper assignment of historical user data collected during previous visits.

Both temporary cookie files (session cookies) and persistent cookies are used. Users may delete or remove cookies for the browser at any time or block cookies from being installed on its device. However this may affect the operation of our services or even result in its blocking.

As described above, we use your personal information and data to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For example:

For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at

You can opt out of targeted advertising by:

Additionally, you can opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at:

We can use different type of cookie or tracking technologies while you are visiting our website and/or application:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: These types of cookies enable you to access and browse websites and use their features. Without these cookies, services like billing or shopping baskets cannot work properly.

  • Performance cookies: these cookies collect information and data about how you use our websites and/or application. The data collected can be used to optimize our websites and/or applications. These cookies are used to know where our visitors and users are coming from. These cookies do not collect information that identifies you personally.

  • Functionality cookies: these cookies allow our website or application to remember your choices. They can be used to memorize your localisation, or your preferences such as language settings or font size.

How to manage cookies?

You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above website and/or application tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However some of our websites and/or applications might not work properly without the use of cookies.

Here are some of the main explanation on how to delete cookies on your browser: (Chrome); (Firefox); (Opera); (Internet Explorer); (Safari); and (Edge).

For mobile devices, if you don’t want to receive targeted advertising based on your center of interest coming from a mobile application, please check the parameters of the operating system of your mobile device and follow these instructions: 1) iOS Users: to enable “Limited Ad Tracking” follow the instructions given by Apple. 2) Android Users: to enable the option “deactivate ad personalisation”, follow the instructions given by Google on Google Play. 3) You might want to download  the DAA mobile AppChoices application  to control behavioral advertising online.

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