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Crypto asset, fintech e servizi di pagamento

Crypto assets, fintechs and payment services

The Firm has consolidated experience in assisting its clients in relation to all legal aspects connected with the provision of payment services, including innovative ones (e.g. PISP and AISP), with specific focus to authorizations for the provision of activities, including cross-border ones , the structuring of new services and business lines, product governance and the delivery of services across networks and online.

The Firm is particularly active in professional assistance to market players providing financial services characterized by the use of advanced technology (Fintech). In this context, particular attention is paid to the legal and regulatory angles associated with the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the traditional credit processes (AI credit scoring) and investment advisory (Robo-advice), as well as multiple applications of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) in banking and financial activities.

Finally, the Firm assists supervised intermediaries and start-ups in defining the legal and regulatory requirements for the provision of services based on cryptoassets, also in the ICO phase, with particular attention to the preparation of the offering documentation (White Paper) and the identification of the best organizational and regulatory setup.

The Firm, also through its internal application development department, assists its clients in the creation of apps dedicated to financial services, compliance and activities that require, in addition to specific technical and IT skills, also the analysis and assessment of legislative and regulatory profiles.

Atrigna & Partners
Foro Buonaparte, 12 - 20121 Milan - VAT number 05433760963
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